Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Alright, I'm on a roll tonight. Here's one of my favorites Dido songs.

Plus a quick little Dido story: It's June 11, 2004. I'm in Philly on a work trip with a night on my own to kill. I plan on grabbing a quick bite to eat and settling into the hotel room for a movie. It is 7ish and I am on the way to the hotel restaurant when I grab whatever Philly's answer is to the Memphis Flyer (can't recall its name) and what do I spy when I start flipping through?

One night only. June 11.

Dido. Tower Theatre. 7:30 PM.


With no ticket in sight, I hurl myself in a cab and head to wherever the heck Tower Theatre is. I land a sixth row center ticket and proceed to watch the best concert of my life. An older couple sitting next to me feel bad that I'm by myself (although I don't but that's still nice of them to worry) and chat me up a bit during breaks.

It was grand! (PS - I have the attention span of a flea and usually despise concerts, so this story represents a huge break in my normal behavior). And Tower Theatre is quite charming - very much like the Orpheum in Memphis with a little less gold leaf.


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