Monday, June 22, 2009

One Object/365(?) Day Project

Earlier this year I volunteered myself to participate in a Flickr project in which I take a picture of the same object for an entire year. Things went well for awhile, but I got lazy one week...that turned into a month...and then, forget it, no way to catch up without some serious fibbing.

I figured if I didn't do it right I shouldn't do it, so it turned into a One Object/100 Day Project.

That's just fine with me.

Anyways, here's the object. It is a heart made of clay beads created by Billie Beads. Billie and Bob are a fun and funky husband/wife duo out of New York that make all kinds of things out of this medium...skulls, masks, piggy banks, Christmas pins. I've hung onto this for years.

1/365 Nov 18 2008

And this represents the 100 day span:



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