Monday, February 9, 2009

Doris adoration.

For anyone that doesn't know, I adore Doris Mitsch's work.  I first noticed it during my time at International Paper.  A competitor printed a stunning, perfect-bound book displaying her gorgeous photographs on their gorgeous paper.  I smuggled it home from the printer that made the mistake of showing me the piece and, occasionally, I'll pull it out and drool for a few minutes.

Instead of using a camera, she uses a flat-bed scanner.  I haven't done this yet, but at some point I'm going to pull myself together and try it out.  I have a feeling it is much harder than it sounds.  For instance, a flat-bed scanner is...flat.  How does she get all that dimension if the subject is smashed against a piece of glass? 

Exactly.  I have no idea.  When I find out, I will definitely post the answer.

Here are some of her beautiful images and a link to her site:



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